Here is a great list of Earth Day (and Earth week) events to consider attending:
4/21 4:00 pm CCL Silicon Valley North Earth Week student webinar
4/22 all day Earth Day Livestream
4/22 - 4/24 Utah Sierra Club & Fridays for Future Utah Earth Day events
4/22 10:00 am Project Drawdown - An Introduction to the Science of Climate Solutions, with Dr Jonathan Foley. (registration required)
4/22 1:00 pm HEAL Utah - HEAL the Earth with Katie Boué
4/22 3:00 pm CCL Silicon Valley North Earth Week student webinar
4/22 4:30 pm Sustainable Development Solutions Network
4/24 3:00 pm CCL Silicon Valley North Earth Week student webinar
4/25 11:00 am CCL Uniting From Home - Healthy People, Healthy Planet, with Dr Katharine Hayhoe.
Upcoming Events (after Earth Day):
6/13: CCL Virtual Conference (online - details to come)
6/16 - 6/17 CCL lobby meetings with Congressional offices (by Zoom or phone)
6/18: CCL Lobby Day reception (details to come)
6/18 (pending): Utah Economic Summit. CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham will discuss the effect of climate change on the economy in a breakout session.
August: The Wasatch County Clean Air and Stewardship town hall in Heber with John Curtis and Arden Pope will take place as an in-person event.
Fall: we will still plan an in-person trip with Bob Inglis to Southern Utah
10/21: rescheduled Governor's Energy Summit, SLC.