We now have a Google spreadsheet calendar that we are updating continuously with events from CCL and other groups that you might be interested in. Check that for the latest updates.
1/17 6:00 pm: CCL LDS Action Team meeting - a look back at 2023 to discuss actions that moved us towards creation care and sustainability. Zoom link.
1/18 6:30pm: CCL Wasatch Back monthly meeting and potluck dinner. Details in the calendar.
Saturdays 8:30 - 9:30 am: Town halls with Reps. Ballard and Ward and Senator Weiler. South Davis Community Facebook page
1/30 10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Citizen lobbying with HEAL Utah
2/2 11:00 am: Mormon Women for Ethical Government - MWEG day at the Capitol
2/10 10:00 am: CCL monthly meeting. In-person at the Murray library and online. Join CCL to receive meeting invites.