Wow!!! We did 18 events with Bob in three and a half days. That was: 3 radio interviews (two local in Vernal and one statewide)1 TV interview (in Vernal)1 print media interview4 public presentations (including the Vernal Chamber of Commerce and the three universities)1 classroom presentation1 sustainability tour (Weber State, which is leading the country)2 invite-only roundtables (environmental groups in Salt Lake City and business leaders at the Nature Conservancy)2 College Republican meetings (in addition to the presentation in Logan hosted by the Utah State CRs)3 face to face meetings with congressional staff or major influencers in Utah (Romney, Christian Gardner, & Gardner Institute) Help us thank Senator Romney for his recent statements on climate change - and for joining the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus - with this letter writing tool from RepublicEn.
Here are the media links we have so far. The Vernal TV interview and Deseret News stories are still pending. X94 radio interview (Vernal) KVEL talk radio interview (Vernal) Utah Public Radio interview (statewide)
The KVEL radio interview is one that's going to stick with me for a while. The questions were somewhat confrontational, but the interviewer, Steve Evans, is one of the kindest, most decent people I've come across. He did this interview at some professional risk to himself - even though he paired it with someone to argue the "other side".
The College Republican meetings were also wonderful. We made great connections at BYU, Weber State, and Utah State. There was lots of good discussion around bipartisanship among young people on climate change.