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  • Writer's pictureTom Moyer

More on today's hearing

HB304 Committee Hearing This Afternoon!

HB304 is scheduledto be heard today in the House Revenue and Taxation Committee meeting that starts at 4pm!

If you cannot make it, you can still follow along on Twitter(you don't need to be a member, just follow the link above to the hashtag #UTHB304 for updates) and/or wait for the audioto be posted... and be ready to chime in with LTEs or op-eds once we see how things go in the hearing!

If you can make it, here's some details:The hearing is in room 445, which I believe is on the east side of the 4th floor of the capitol building. In case of disaster call or text me at 206-351-5719.The room is likely to open at 3:30. From 3:00 until the room opens, those who are interested are invited to meet in the hallway outsideof our usual meeting space (room 400, north side of the 4th floor of the capitol building). Once room 445 opens it's best to head there to get a seat.If you are on Twitter, feel free to follow along and/or post updates, questions, etc. using the hashtag #UTHB304. If you're not on Twitter, you can still follow along here.The hearing is scheduled for 4-6pm but may go later. Bring water and a snack as needed. And keep your expectations modest: we're thrilled to have a hearing for the bill but we don't expect it to pass. Rep Briscoe's words of wisdom

In addition to Tom's advice from yesterday, here's some quotes from Rep Briscoe that add his perspective:Be flexible."HB304 is the fifth bill on a schedule of seven bills. Bills are not always taken in the exact order of the agenda as committee chairs change the order sometimes to accommodate legislators who may have a bill in committee but also have bills in other committees on the same afternoon. So we have to be flexible and be ready to be called up earlier, or wait until later. It works both ways."It's likely that not everyone will get to speak."I want every one of you to wants to speak to be able to, but it's probably not going to happen.... It might play out like this: after committee members are finished asking questions, the chair will ask if there are members of the public who wold like to address the committee. Maybe 15 - 20 of you raise your hands indicating your desire to testify. [The chair might say] "we'll let four speak for each side."" [Note from Yoram: Tom has a list of priority speakers (League of Women Voters, Catholic Dioceses, etc) and we will try to prioritize those voices. Thanks for understanding!]Start where the committee is, and don't just focus on climate change."As you ready potential comments and testimony for tomorrow consider what will get the attention and be seen as important and valuable to committee members. If every person who gets a chance to speak shows how much you have read by Bill McKibben and how detailed your knowledge is of Climate Change, your words are likely going to be falling on deaf ears. But if the people who get to speak cover a variety of topics, like the relationship of the changing climate to bad air and health; to the impact on quality water for a growing population; to robust and sustainable economic development; to the ability of the legislature to use revenue from carbon taxes to reform the state's tax system; to the public's perception of Utah's ability to sustain snow for the 2030 Olympics, etc., I think we will have a more positive response."[Note from Yoram: More details about different angles are in this email from earlier this week.]It's a tough road, but we're making progress so keep pushing! "I can't end without being optimistic. Two years ago Rep. Becky Edward and I brought the first resolution to a Utah Legislature committee that specifically focused on climate change. Last year Rep. Edwards (with help from many of you) passed the first Utah legislative resolution recognizing the reality of climate change in Utah. Today we are bringing to a Utah Legislative Committee the first bill to price carbon. We're making progress and I'm excited. Every successful campaign is ultimately the result of lots of individual events like today's hearing. "[Note from Yoram: Yeah!!]That's it! Let's have fun and celebrate the progress we've made so far and get energized for next steps! (Starting with our meeting Tuesday morning at 9am at the Impact Hub :) 

PS. Some additional info is copied below from Tom's advice from yesterday.

Cheers, Yoram

HB304 Resources

HB304 Support

Constituents - please contact your legislators!

Constituents in these districts - please contact your legislators today to ask for their support for HB304 - Fossil Fuels Tax Amendments. Let them know you are a constituent (and give your address), and give them a few sentences of personal reasons why you support the bill. Spendlove, RobertRSandyH 49rspendlove@le.utah.gov801-560-5394Quinn, TimRHeberH 54tquinn@le.utah.gov435-412-2170Anderson, KyleRNorth OgdenH 7kyleandersen@le.utah.gov385-239-1523Barlow, StewartRFruit HeightsH 17contact form801-289-6699Briscoe, JoelDSalt Lake CityH 25joelfor25@gmail.com801-946-9791Eliason, SteveRSandyH 45seliason@le.utah.gov801-673-4748Ivory, KenRWest JordanH 47contact form801-694-8380Moss, JeffersonRSaratoga SpringsH 2jeffersonmoss@le.utah.gov385-250-6738Pitcher, StephanieDMillcreekH 40spitcher@le.utah.gov385-272-8032Sagers, DouglasRTooleH 21dougsagers@le.utah.gov435-830-3485Shipp, RexRCedar CityH 538-1029Stoddard, AndrewDMurrayH 44astoddard@le.utah.gov385-256-3281Strong, MarkRRivertonH 41mstrong@le.utah.gov385-275-5682Thurston, NormanRProvoH 64normthurston@le.utah.gov801-477-5348

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