We now have a Google spreadsheet calendar that we are updating continuously with events from CCL and other groups that you might be interested in. Check that for the latest updates.
3/12 6:00 pm: Pints and Policy - legislative recap with HEAL Utah. Fisher Brewing, Salt Lake City.
3/13 12:00: Lunch and learn with Utah Clean Energy. Legislative session recap.
3/13 6:00 pm: CCL Mountain West letter writing Zoom party. Details in the calendar.
3/13 7:00 pm: Opinion writing workshop with Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance.
3/14 - 3/15: Stegner Center Symposium - The Renewable Energy Transition. University of Utah.
3/21 - 3/22: Intermountain Sustainability Summit. Weber State.
3/28 6:30pm: CCL Wasatch Back monthly meeting and potluck dinner. Details in the calendar.
4/6 - 4/7: CCL Mountain West Regional Conference at Weber State University. Please help spread the word!
4/13 10:00 am: CCL Salt Lake City monthly meeting. Murray Library and online. Details in the calendar.
5/14 - 5/15: Wilkes Center Climate Summit. University of Utah.