Press conference tomorrow, 2/11 The Clean Air Caucus will be holding a Press Conference tomorrow, February 11 at 12:15 pm in the Gold Room at the Capitol. They will be highlighting air quality legislation and appropriations proposed this session. Here is a map of the Capitol 2nd floor, showing the Gold Room. Action opportunity - HB194 For constituents of committee members only! Please help with Rep Ward's HB194 - Clean and Renewable Energy Requirement Amendments. The bill has been assigned to the Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee. If you are in one of these districts, please send your legislator a note to ask them to ask Rep Albrecht, who chairs the committee, to allow the bill to have a hearing. Here is the Action Utah fact sheet on the bill.
You can always go to our 2020 legislative tracker for the up to date status of all climate-related bills. Tips for communicating with legislators:
Put the ask and the title of the bill in the subject line, eg - "Please support HB194 - Clean and Renewable Energy Requirement Amendments." Be sure to identify yourself as a constituent and include your address. If you have a personal story on how this impacts you, include it. Otherwise, you can be brief and simply state your support or opposition to the issue. Legislators always like hearing from polite, respectful constituents. They want your input and feedback.